

Louis Vuitton bag was assembled in China

Even if such a label doesn´t exist, it doesn´t prove beyond all doubt that the authentic Louis Vuitton handbag is genuinely produced in Italy, even though manufacturers hope that you will make this assumption. Instead, you may learn that about 90 percent of the Louis Vuitton bag was assembled in China and the last 10 percent was completed in Italy, which is enough for the bag to be granted a "Made in Italy" tag. Or perhaps the authentic Louis Vuitton handbag was produced in Italy with the help of illegal workers from other countries. With this knowledge, how logical is it to argue that an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag is better than a replica Louis Vuitton handbag? In a mall, if there is only one Chanel boutique for example (which there probably is) then there is no need for that merchant to reduce prices. If you want it than that's where you have to buy it.

You can choose from many different material types such as nylon, cotton, twill, hemp, leather, suede, faux leather, and a host of manmade materials. You can even find waterproof fabrics which are great for the beach or the boat. Certainly, the color and design are among the important deciding factors when shopping a handbag. However, what gives a lot of weight on most women when choosing a beautiful handbag is the brand. Carrying a branded bag gives you pride and confidence, and chances are you will going to brag it to your friends and loved ones. Your designer handbag will also give other an impression that you have a good taste when it comes to fashion.



